July 11, 2024

Protect Yourself from Fraud: Tips for Staying Safe

With technology being such a big part of our lives, it's important to know how to protect yourself from fraud. Scammers are always coming up with new ways to trick people, so staying informed can help you avoid their traps. Here are some tips to keep yourself safe from fraud:

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Building a Budget

 July 11, 2024

Tis the Season for a Mid-Year Money Checklist

By Mylene Leasure

As summer hits its stride, the idea of preparing for the holiday season might seem a bit premature. However, considering that money is the biggest source of holiday stress for 58% of US adults, July is the perfect time to review your finances and make adjustments.

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 June 5, 2024

Mortgage Talk

By Scott Cowan

On our latest episode of Dollars and Sense we talk about the mortgage landscape, and how people are navigating current rates. Read a quick summary and then check out the podcast episode for more!

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